Now most large organizations have chosen, implemented and more or less stabilized the & 39; one or the other application & 39; with its base and the functionality of CRM customized. This article explores d & 39; other opportunities that are available in CRM Market.
Enterprise Application Integration (EAI): Once a CRM solution is implemented, the Organization & 39; must focus on its integration with other applications d & 39;. There are diverse applications and technologies used in an Organization that need to interact with each other. Integrating these applications can share data critical for the company & 39; and & 39; help improve the efficiency of & 39; company & 39; better by reducing the time it takes to move on the collection and sharing of such information. This brings to the possibility of & 39; application to application (A2A) and Business to Business (B2B) integration strategies & 39; EAI using as a point-to-point, the Hub and Spoke and Distributed Messaging.
Upgrade: There are many large organizations that have heavily customized CRM solutions which they have continued to use for years. There are new / new versions of these applications available. As of now there are many providers of CRM solutions that support older versions of & 39; application, but how long is a question. Once these agencies decide to upgrade or move to later / latest versions of & 39; application, it will open up new markets.
Small and medium enterprises (SME): Although CRM solutions have been implemented by most large organizations, the SMEs segment is still very open and a lot of potential for & 39; be capitalized.
Hosted Solutions: There are many small organizations that & 39; n & 39; have neither infrastructure nor the ability & 39; buy and implement CRM. These smaller organizations prefer to opt for hosted solutions and pay based on the use & 39;.
Redesign place to reinvent the wheel, it - New technology of the architecture as & 39; Changes Service Oriented Architecture is demanding the redesign of the architecture of the & 39; CRM solution. This has opened up new market opportunities for software vendors and system integrators. elizabet tena
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