Friday, April 11, 2008

2 Simple Website Promotion Techniques

Promotion, promotion, promotion. Doesn t sound TOo hard, right? Well, for the most part it isnt. Promoting your website is a necessary task if you are in the market to have traffic coming in, especially if your site is geared for sales. don t get me wrong, sales or not, visitors are nice...but if you re looking to make some money from product(s) you ll want to have the traffic coming into your site. A couple of the easiest ways to get some traffic to your site are search engines, and voting sites.
1. Let s start with search engines.
Im sure that by now, you know what a search engine is, as well as how to use one. Just type in "candles" and almost immediately you ll get 10+ pages of different websites that feature candles in some form or fashion. You can be even more specific, and type in "candles for sale" or even "retail candle shops", you get the idea. Well, if you want your site to pop up on one of those pages, you ll need to submit your site. There are bunches and bunches of search engines that you can be submitted to, you just need to find the right one(s) for you.
Most search engines have a pretty painless process for submitting your site. You ll need to have your website name, URL, and some keywords as well. Here are a couple that you can look into... You can also submit to a bunch in one fell swoop by going to To target your directory listings, search on an engine like google for (example) "candle directories" and then list yourself in those smaller niche directories or guides.
2. Voting sites
This is just another way to generate some traffic. I myself have a small message board that I own/Admin, and its signed up to three voting sites. Its simple, and again pretty painless. You need the name of your site, the URL, and some keywords. OH! Some voting sites also have categories you can, personal , or business , or shopping . Once you sign up to a voting site, all you need to do is place the image/banner to the voting site on YOUR site,( the voting site provides you with the code!!!) and folks can click through and give you a vote if they like what they see. I m going to venture to say that most of the voting sites you ll find are free to submit to...and I say venture because the ones Ive looked into for my site have been free.
Here are a couple of places to get you started... This is one that you need to choose a category to be listed in. This one has different categories, and categories within categories to choose from.
Author s Bio: Jennifer Covey works as a Publishing Assistant for Bright Idea Graphics, where she enjoys penning the newsletters. Bright Idea Graphics designs full color marketing materials and websites.

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